Tamil Nadu, India

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Ms. Saranya – Member Of Tamil Nadu Commission For Protection Of Child Rights. An Active Member Who Plays A Vital Role In Motivating Young Girls In Addressing Key Topics Of Child Education, Safety And Life Skills. She Also Organised “Raksha”, A Programme On Child Abuse, Safety, Family, Schooling, Parenting, Resilience And Career Guidance That Was Conducted In Many Schools With High Attendance. Your Role To Empower Girls Who Are The Backbone Of The Society Is Definitely To Be Appreciated And We Wish You All The Best In All Your Future Endeavors. Presenting The Award Is The Guest Of Honour, His Excellency, Y.M Tenku Dato’ DE. Hishammuddin Zaizi Bin Y.A.M Tengku Bendahara Azman Shah Alhaj And Our Supporter Muhammad Ramzie Abdul Rahman ,CEO- Widadgroup.

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